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Everything about `with` statement in Elixir

by Tomasz Kowal


With statement in Elixir is one of the most elegant solutions to an age-old problem of chaining computations that can fail. It was so good that Erlang copied it, calling it maybe. However, with power comes great responsibility.

In this post, I’ll gather some tips, tricks and pitfalls.

I won’t go into details about how it works because the official documentation does an excellent job.

With chaining

Saša Jurić wrote a fantastic series of blog posts titled “Towards Maintainable Elixir”. In one of the articles “The Anatomy of a Core Module”, he introduces the concept of with chaining.

He introduces some helper functions that make using with super-readable.

def validate(true, _error_reason), do: :ok
def validate(false, error_reason), do: {:error_reason}

def authorize(condition), do: validate(condition, :unauthorized)

def fetch(queryable, id) do
  case Repo.get(queryable, id) do
    nil -> {:error, :not_found}
    record -> {:ok, record}

def edit_post(post_id, editor, title, body) d
  with {:ok, post} <- Repo.fetch(Post, post_id),
       :ok <- authorize(post.authorid_id == editor.id or editor.role in [:moderator, :admin]),
       do: store_post(post, title, body)

You can find example usages in the article. The main idea is that small, generic helper functions improve the clarity of the with statement.

Problems with else block

Chris Keathley made an excellent blog post on Elixir’s best practices “Good and Bad Elixir”. One of the sections is “Avoid else in with blocks”.

“Tagging” the calls using a tuple to understand where the error is coming from makes it unreadable. The problem is that if your else part has multiple clauses, it is hard to know which call in the do block matches which else clause. Chris provides examples in his blog post.

How to provide rich errors?

Chris, in his blog, wants to avoid else part totally, but I find it is excellent for unifying error handling. I wouldn’t avoid it, but I would ensure it has only one clause for all errors.

  def parse_datetime(unvalidated_datetime) do
    with :ok <-
             "Error parsing date_time, expected a string but got: #{inspect(unvalidated_datetime)}"
         {:ok, date_time, _} <-
           |> adjust_error(&"Error parsing #{unvalidated_datetime}: #{inspect(&1)}") do
      {:ok, date_time}
      {:error, reason} ->
        {:error, :invalid_datetime}

  defp validate(true, _error_reason), do: :ok
  defp validate(false, error_reason), do: {:error, error_reason}

  defp adjust_error({:error, error}, error_fn), do: {:error, error_fn.(error)}
  defp adjust_error(other, _), do: other

Handling the errors in the else clause would prevent creating rich error messages. E.g. DateTime.from_iso/1 without the adjust_error would return {:error, :invalid_format}, and we wouldn’t be able to log what the unparsable input was.

We could return the error atom and the message or, as Chris suggests in his article, an error struct.

The point is that both validate/2 and adjust_error/2 start the error handling process inside the do block, where we still have the entire context of failure.

In pseudo-code:

with ok_pattern <- operation |> error_handling do

It seems a little lengthy initially, but it is pretty nice to read and debug. validate/2 reads like English prose and piping is not intrusive when it is in a separate line:

         {:ok, date_time, _} <-
           |> adjust_error(&"Error parsing #{unvalidated_datetime}: #{inspect(&1)}")

Early return

We shouldn’t forget that the with statement is not only an error monad. In many cases, it is helpful to finish computation early even if there were no errors.

def delete_post(post_id) d
  with {:ok, post} <- Repo.fetch(Post, post_id),
       :continue <- return_early_if_deleted(post),
       {:ok, post} <- do_delete(post),
       :ok <- broadcast(:post_deleted, post) do
    {:ok, post}
    {:early_return, post} -> {:ok, post}
    {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}

def return_early_if_deleted(%Post{deleted_at: nil}), do: :continue
def return_early_if_deleted(%Post{} = post), do: {:early_return, post}

The main flow is still readable and explicitly shows where it can stop and return early.

Bonus, feel free to ignore credo

Credo has a rule to rewrite a single-clause with statements into a case. That’s a great rule when teaching juniors to use the simplest solution to a problem.

In practice, I’ve found that my modules are either “pure” using mainly |> operator inside functions or “impure” and then using mostly with. I like to keep those functions similar for consistency, as I explained on elixir forum

In the following module, credo would like to refactor the c function into a case statement.

defmodule A do
  def a do
    with {:ok, a} <- do_a(),
      {:ok, b} <- do_b() do
      {:ok, b}

  def b do
    with {:ok, c} <- do_c(),
      {:ok, d} <- do_d() do
      {:ok, d}

  def c do
    with {:ok, e} <- do_e() do
      {:ok, e}


To sum up:

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